Quickbooks for Real Estate: Don’t Make this Mistake quickbooks real estate real estate accounting Jul 02, 2021

Your Chart of Accounts is the backbone of your bookkeeping architecture. Don’t fall into the trap of creating a “one-dimensional” COA. Prepare your business to scale with a 2-dimensional Chart of Acco...

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How to Analyze Rehab Projects real estate rehab Aug 28, 2020

Download the Rehab Analyzer here:

Check out this super thorough excel tool for analyzing rehab properties! Nail your next flip and impress your inv...

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Real Estate Investing Analytics - Superpower your QBO Data...and so much more! accounting analytics quickbooks real estate stratafolio Mar 06, 2020

Check out Stratafolio here!

Real-time, accurate data is essential to making pro-active decisions for your real estate investing business. If you're really looking to scale, QBO alone isn't enough! St...

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Quickbooks for Real Estate - Dealing with Unapplied Cash Payments accounting quickbooks real estate Feb 28, 2020

QBO is invaluable when it comes to prepping for taxes. But what are those weird "Unapplied Cash Payments" all about? In this video, I shed some light on these elusive accounts to help you understand w...

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Set up an Advanced Amortization Schedule amortization investors loan schedule quickbooks real estate real estate accounting Nov 08, 2019

Per your specific request, here is a super helpful tutorial on how to set up an Advanced Loan Amortization Schedule in Google Sheets (or excel). This lesson demonstrates how to account for additional ...

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