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Build a $30K a Month Bookkeeping Business and Quit Your Day Job

Jul 20, 2024

Are you a bookkeeper wanting to earn over $30k per month? In this video, I’ll show you how to tap into the lucrative niche of real estate investors. Learn three essential strategies to clean up their books, create consistent processes, and produce insightful reports, helping you transform your business and boost your income.


  • 00:00:00 - Increasing Income as a Bookkeeper in Real Estate
  • 00:02:19 - Clean Up The Mess
  • 00:04:06 - Create a Consistent Process
  • 00:05:36 - Produce Great Reports
  • 00:07:22 - Bonus
  • 00:08:39 - Forecasting Potential Income
  • 00:11:12 - The Lucrative Nature of Bookkeeping

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